What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Everything You Need to Know

Artificial intelligence (AI) may be a buzzword around the world right now. But what people fail to realize is that artificial intelligence has been the talk of the decade.

In Kenya, each year, more and more companies, businesses, and individuals have adopted artificial intelligence. The industry as a whole has continued to evolve from hype to reality and things will only keep getting better.

Just look at the capabilities of the various artificial Intelligence tools that we already have at our disposal!

Mind-blowing, isn’t it?

Algorithmic developments in machine learning and deep learning, substantial increases in computing power and storage, and massive amounts of data that have been made possible by the digital transformation that our society has undergone have made AI a game-changer across all industries.

AI has been radically improving our lives for years, whether most people realize it or not. Traditional industries, such as manufacturing, machine building, and automotive, have been dependent on artificial Intelligence for years now. These industries are facing an important change that has largely been driven by Industry 4.0—otherwise also referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


In the simplest terms, artificial intelligence refers to the simulation or imitation of human intelligence by machines, particularly computer systems.

AI works by combining large amounts of data with fast, iterative processing and intelligent algorithms, which is what allows computer systems or software to learn automatically from patterns or features in the data.

AI is dependent on the availability of data and the quality of data from which it learns. It works by combining large volumes of data and intelligent algorithms and learns automatically from patterns and attributes of the data.

These large volumes of data allow smart machines to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. Please note that artificial Intelligence is a broad subject. However, in general, artificial intelligence allows machines and computer systems to:

•             Think humanly

•             Think rationally

•             Act humanly

•             Act rationally

The first 2 refer to thought processes and reasoning, such as the ability of machines to learn and solve problems in the same way and many instances, even better than a human brain would.  The last 2 components relate to actions and behaviors.


Since artificial Intelligence is a broad study that consists of many theories and technologies, what are the subfields of artificial intelligence?

1.           Machine learning

Machine learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence and computer science.

Machine learning teaches computers how to learn and improve on their own, much like humans do. By using data and algorithms, machine learning enables computer systems to slowly refine their accuracy, which in turn creates better and smarter systems.

2. Deep learning

Deep learning is a category of machine learning that allows computer systems and software to solve more complex problems.  Deep learning is designed to mimic the way the human brain works, helping machines carry out complex tasks with increasing accuracy and without human intervention.

You can think of deep learning as “scalable machine learning”. Deep learning is responsible for accelerating advancements in areas such as computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition.

3. Natural Language Processing 

Natural language processing refers to a branch of computer science and artificial intelligence that gives computers the ability to understand text, as well as spoken words in a similar way as human beings.

NLP combines computational linguistics, machine learning, and deep learning models. Together, these technologies work to allow computers to process human language in the form of text or voice data while understanding the speaker’s intent and sentiment.

NLP is the technology that allows computer software and programs to translate text from Kiswahili to English, summarize massive volumes of texts quickly, and more. There is a high probability that you have interacted with NLP through voice-operated GPS systems, customer service chatbots, digital voice assistants like Siri, and more.

4. Computer vision

Computer vision is a subcategory of artificial intelligence that allows computers and systems to extract meaningful information from videos, photos, and digital images and take actions and provide recommendations based on the information extracted.

Think about it this way; if artificial intelligence allows computers to think like humans, computer vision enables computers to see, observe and understand. Computer vision works similarly to human vision except that human beings are born naturally with the ability to tell objects apart, their distance, whether the objects are moving, and so on.

Therefore, computer vision trains machines to see, observe and understand just like our eyes do but in much less time thanks to data, algorithms, machine learning, and more.

Computer vision is applied in numerous industries from energy to manufacturing and automotive with the market continuing to grow daily.

5. Robotics

Robotics refers to a field of Artificial Intelligence that involves the development of intelligent robots that can perform tasks without human intervention.  A robot can be described as any machine capable of carrying out complex actions automatically or through programmed instructions.

The field of robotics is composed of electrical and mechanical engineering, as well as computer science, and primarily focuses on the design, building, and use of robots in various operations.

Traditionally, robots are used when the work at hand is either too difficult for human beings to perform well or extremely repetitive (or both). A robot will dutifully do the same exhausting work over and over without getting bored, fatigued, or irritated thus reducing instances of mistakes.

Robotics is applied in many areas including manufacturing, healthcare, education, and even at home for domestic duties.

Final Thoughts

All these subsets of AI have different applications and techniques, but they all aim to create intelligent machines that can assist humans in various tasks.

Artificial intelligence has rapidly emerged as one of the most transformative technologies of the modern era. With the ability to learn, reason, and self-correct, AI systems are changing the way we live and work, from personalized recommendations to self-driving cars. AI truly has the potential to shape the future of Kenya.

While there are certainly concerns about the impact of AI on jobs, privacy, and safety, it’s clear that the benefits of this technology far outweigh the risks. As AI continues to evolve and become more sophisticated, it’s up to us to ensure that we use it ethically and responsibly to create a better future for all.

Whether you’re a business leader, student, or simply curious about the latest advances in technology, understanding the basics of artificial intelligence is a crucial step in preparing for the future.

Ready to dive deeper into the world of artificial intelligence? Sign up for our free artificial intelligence course for Africa.

Learn and stay up-to-date on the latest trends, technologies, and applications of AI. Whether you’re a business leader, student, or simply curious about the power of AI, our beginner’s course will provide you with valuable insights and resources to help you harness the potential of this transformative technology. Don’t miss out – sign up now and join the AI revolution!

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